Saturday, April 16, 2011

Making a felt mouse

materials needed

  • felt squares
  • 1 pompom
  • glitter pen
  • craft glue
  • two pipe cleaners
  1. Make a template of the mouse pattern.
  2. Pin the cut template onto the felt.1 color for the base one for the ears.
  3. Cut around the template the shape into the felt.
    1. Also cut the two parallel line on the oval shape.
  4. Push the ears through the two shots of the base.
  5. Glue the ears onto the base.
  6. Paint on glitter dots or a pattern to the base.
  7. Glue on eyes
  8. Now glue on the nose.
  9. Twist the two pipe cleaners together.
  10. Thread the twisted pipe cleaners through under the base felt and between the lower ears felt.
  11. The end of which actually is the tail.
  12. Glue the pipe clear into the slot between the two pieces of felt.

  • Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

Friday, April 15, 2011

To dye eggs brown

Yellow onionsImage via Wikipedia
Different onion skins actually give different colors.

  • Brown dye from onion skins.
  • 3 eggs
  1. Put cooled dye and eggs into a small saucepan.
  2. Place over a medium heat.
  3. Bring to the boil.
  4. reduce heat and simmer for 10 to 15 minutes.
    1. or until eggs are red.
  5. Cooking time will depend on the color of the eggs.
  6. Remove eggs with a slotted spoon.
  7. Place on a wire rack to cool.

Encouraged to be writen by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me
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