Saturday, July 23, 2011

making paper

Materials needed
  • newspapers
  • scissors or paper shredder.
  • large jar with lid
  • hot water
  • plastic spoon
  • disposable pan
  • cornstarch
  • wax paper
  • Decorations - food dye, flowers, leaves
  1. Cover the area you will be working in as the paper making is a messy job.
  2. Cut the sheets of newspaper paper into strips.
  3. tear them into small pieces
    1. You'll need about 1 1/2 packed cups of shredded and torn paper.
  4. Place the paper in a large jar.
  5. Fill the jar up with 3 cups of hot water.
  6. Screw the lid on the jar and stand for 3 hours.
  7. Stir the pieces with a plastic spoon to keep the pieces of paper from clumping together.
    1. The more you stir the smoother the pulp will become.
  8. Add more hot water as the paper absorbs tit.
  9. When the mixture is pasty and creamy, pour it into a disposable 0pan.
  10. Dissolve 3 tablespoons of cornstarch in a half cup of hot water.
  11. Pour the mix into the paper mix.
  12. Mix thoroughly.
  13. Take a handful of the mixture and squeeze out the excess water.
  14. Put the mixture on a piece of wax paper.
  15. Add the decorations -sprinkle the food dye on, place in a flat flower or leaf.
  16. Smush it down so that the mix is now like flat paper.
  17. Put another piece of wax paper down on top of the first mix.
  18. Press you hands down on top of the paper... letting the water seep out.
  19. Wipe the excess water off.
  20. Place the paper in the sun and let it dry.
  21. Repeat this process with the rest of the mixture.
  22. As the paper dries keep pressing it down to get the water out of it.

Encouraged to be writen by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

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